Saturday, May 15, 2010

Odysseus - or - Villanelle Unbroken

Hold on for one day more.
The waves are wrought with chance
that I may touch the shore
and scatter kisses,
Sore across your patient glance.
Hold on for one day more.
I steer this plank-wood floor within the night.
A dance that I may touch the shore you guarded.
Once before,
sharp masts shot cannon lance.
Hold on for one day more this love of loss.
This lore,
which suffocates romance.
That I may touch the shore and learn of decades,
four gone, wasted in a trance.
Hold on for
one day more
that I may touch the shore.

1 comment:

  1. This is really good, I can hardly believe it is a villanelle. :)
