Sunday, August 9, 2009

To be shipwrecked

The head-rush is not
as instant as one
would think.
There is a settling
of iron in your
circulation, first.
Sweat retreats back
through your pores.
Then her empty
eyes ring like crystal
under a wet thumb.
And you pray to be deaf,
or blind.
Sirens perch on
her eyelashes,
inviting you into a paradise
filled with shattered hulls
and stories you don't get the endings of.
possible nicknames continued
sweet pea. Don't ever
let me rip you open.


  1. holy shit yeah!
    it is real good up until the ending,
    then it is shaoooooolllliiiiiinnnnnnnn good

  2. shao-fuckin-lin is what i have to say.
